Featured Stories
Who We Are
Hope Lives Here
KMHS has been Kitsap County’s community behavioral health expert since 1978. In 2023, we offered hope and opportunity to 5,642 clients. With 600 highly trained employees on staff, we are one of the county’s largest health care providers.
We primarily serve clients who qualify for Medicaid/Apple Health, providing a comprehensive array of recovery-oriented programs that includes:
- Adult Outpatient mental health and co-occurring substance use disorder treatment
- Children, youth, and family services
- School programs
- Supported housing and employment services, including 72-unit Pendleton Place
- 24/7 programs: Crisis Triage Center, adult and youth inpatient units, Keller House residential treatment for adults, and Pacific Hope and Recovery Center for adults with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders
- Mobile crisis outreach, including Designated Crisis Responders
Who We Serve
Clients by Program
Total Clients Served: 5,642*
*Clients may be counted more than once if they are enrolled in multiple programs
Client Living Situation
Client Care Funding Sources by Percentage
*Salish Behavioral Health – Administrative Service Organization funds some services, including crisis outreach, for individuals who are low-income, uninsured and/or not eligible for Medicaid.
Client Diversity by Percentage
Students Learn Coping Skills for School and Life
Madrona Milestones
On a late-winter morning at KMHS’s Madrona Day Treatment program, two high school students are celebrating a milestone. They’re moving to the second of four levels in the school’s Circle of Courage, and it’s an opportunity for reflection.
As the students take turns in the seat of honor at the front of the classroom, their peers and teachers share something they appreciate about each student along with a hope for their future.
“I appreciate your honesty.”
“You’re really funny and kind. I hope you continue to be hilarious and continue to grow.”
“You inspire me. You’re a resilient kid. And my hope for you, because hope is what it’s all about, is that you live the best life possible, and that you’re able to get some of those things you want, and that you’re able to keep moving forward.”
Road to Recovery
Behavioral health recovery can be a winding road with plenty of bumps and detours along the way. Our caring staff members help clients develop a road map. All outpatient clients start at Access, go through orientation and are assigned a clinician, but the rest of their route depends on their individual needs.
Click on any pin below to learn about key steps in Adult Outpatient Services and meet some of the front-line staff members who make recovery possible.

Access Department
Regan DeSmet
Intake Clinician
How long at KMHS: 1 year
What do you do? Assess people who wish to enroll in KMHS services, including gathering their mental health, medical and life histories; provide a diagnosis; connect them to services; schedule their first appointment
How does your role support clients? This is a population that historically doesn't have access to care. At KMHS, somebody can walk in the door, say, "I'm in crisis. I need help", and come talk to me for an hour and a half. They can start the process and be heard before they’re even directed into therapy.
What do you like about your job? I like that I'm able to help people get connected to services.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? That we truly do care. Everyone here is passionate about their work.
New Client Orientation
Matthew Nugent
Engagement Specialist
How long at KMHS: 1 year
What do you do? Meet clients as they’re beginning treatment; help them overcome barriers such as a lack of transportation; explain their rights and responsibilities; help clients prioritize their goals
How does your role support clients? We want clients to have their hands on the steering wheel of their own treatment. Setting expectations, giving them bus tokens or other support, and helping them begin a treatment plan gives them a voice and helps them be successful.
What do you like about your job? Just being a friendly face for clients and seeing the thankfulness on their faces.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We’ll exhaust ourselves trying to solve a problem rather than let a client fall through the cracks.
Care Coordination
Simon Lugo
Care Coordinator
How long at KMHS: 1 year
What do you do? Review clients’ needs, goals and potential barriers; connect them with services at KMHS and in the community; provide counseling; refer clients to therapy when necessary, and help prepare them to be successful in therapy
How does your role support clients? I firmly believe most clients know what they need and have a good idea of where they want to be. My job is to help them address the barriers to meeting their goals.
What do you like about your job? I love hearing everybody’s unique and interesting story. And I love the staff here. I’ve never worked in an environment that’s so supportive.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We are here whenever you’re ready.

Medical Services
Audrey Hansen
Medical Assistant Supervisor
How long at KMHS: 12 years
What do you do? Communicate with clients about their psychiatric medications, answer questions and monitor side effects; assist medical providers; coordinate with insurance; administer testing required for certain medications; be an advocate for clients
How does your role support clients? We are big problem solvers. If the pharmacy is saying a client can’t have their meds, we’re saying, ‘The client really needs this. What can we do?’
What do you like about your job? Advocating for clients to reach their medication goals and be successful.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? That we provide great services, that we really care and that we will do what we can to get clients’ needs met.
Tarcha Goodine
How long at KMHS: 3 years
What do you do? Provide psychotherapy as part of a treatment plan based on clients’ needs, strengths, supports and goals
How does your role support clients? I help them set goals that are specific, realistic and timely, and empower them to use tools to help manage their mental illness.
What do you like about your job? I like the clients. I like being an asset in their stabilization and helping them take steps, sometimes big steps, toward recovery. If you put in the work, you do see that hope really does live here.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We are working to better the community.
Peer Services
Carol Lara
Peer Specialist
How long at KMHS: 10 years
What do you do? Share my own mental health challenges with clients to show them that recovery is possible, and to serve as a resource
How does your role support clients? Peers are advocates. I help connect people to resources and teach them wellness tools and coping skills.
What do you like about your job? Once I was hired as a peer, I finally felt like I had the purpose I was meant to have in my life. When people are willing to do the work (of recovery), I get excited.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? Since I moved to Washington in 2006, KMHS has been a constant light in my life, first as a client and then as a peer.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Ada Moore De La Cruz
Co-OccurRing Disorder Clinician
How long at KMHS: 5 years
What do you do? Provide individual counseling and facilitate group counseling for clients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders
How does your role support clients? The recovery process is theirs. I teach them how to use the tools that work for them.
What do you like about your job? I love working with some of the more challenging clients that are falling through the cracks. I’m known as an advocate for our clients, and I love being a voice for them.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We’re embracing client-centered care and including a mental health component into substance use treatment. You can’t treat one without the other.

Housing Supports
Brian Hill
Housing Support Specialist
How long at KMHS: 3 years
What do you do? Help clients with severe mental health conditions move into KMHS housing and learn practical life skills
How does your role support clients? Clients come to me after living on the street or couch surfing for years. They don’t have basic skills for managing money for groceries or know how to make their beds and clean their rooms and do the dishes. I help them set goals. I show them a model; I don’t do it for them.
What do you like about your job? I really enjoy seeing clients rebuild connections with their family or friends once they are stabilized.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? Everybody from the top to bottom is rooting for our clients.
Supported Employment
Emma Mills
Employment Specialist
How long at KMHS: 6 years
What do you do? Help clients identify and achieve employment and education goals; connect them with resources to overcome barriers; build relationships with community employers
How does your role support clients? I’m here to teach clients the skills they need to reach their long-term employment goals. If I’m gone tomorrow, I want them to have these skills going forward.
What do you like about your job? In this job, I get to know my clients and help them get their practical needs met. I like helping them gain self-confidence and become self-sufficient. Success is seeing them learn to trust themselves.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We serve a lot more people than just the individuals you see living on the street.
Kitsap Clubhouse
Ebony Moore
Clubhouse Peer Supervisor
How long at KMHS: 5 years
What do you do? Coordinate a free skill-building club for Kitsap adults who are living with severe mental illness; connect club members* with resources
How does your role support clients? Clients come here to hang out because they know it’s the safest place for them. As a peer, I offer a sense of hope in a way people can relate to.
What do you like about your job? I like working with the people we serve. Everybody has their own personality. Clubhouse gives them a place for that personality to shine.
What would you like people to know about KMHS? We are a pillar in the community for our clients and we take a lot of pride in what we do.
*Clubhouse members do not have to be KMHS clients.