Emotional Health Matters in the Early Years
All parents want what is best for their young children. Yet concerns about your child’s emotional health can arise even during their early years. Sometimes these concerns can impact their learning, their relationships, and even their overall health.
Difficulties such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, acting out, attachment relationship problems, and other serious behavioral and emotional disturbances can appear even in preschoolers.
Our skilled therapists can help you and your family with early identification of symptoms and just as importantly, what can be done now to help your child be well, form relationships that work, and even develop the resilience to be more prepared to cope with future life challenges.
With you and your child, your therapist will observe, listen thoughtfully, and ask gentle questions to find the ways that will best support your family. We may suggest evidence-based practices such as Parent Child Interaction Therapy, which is shown to improve the quality of parent-child relationships and daily interactions. Parents learn specific skills for a more nurturing relationship with their young child, while improving the child’s positive behaviors and decreasing negative behaviors. Other therapists may work with your young child using experiential approaches such as play or art therapy, or to help you and your child learn skills that they can use to express themselves in a more healthy way.
No appointment is necessary for your first visit! If you are a parent hoping to enroll your child in services, your child must be present for the visit.
Contact Us for general information about our services.
One in five Americans will experience some type of mental illness during their lifetime.