Catholic Community Services Provides family centered intensive services to children and youth with their families for safe reunification from foster care to permanent family placements in their Bremerton Family Behavioral Health Department.

5610 Kitsap Way Suite 320
Bremerton, Washington98312
Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm
Contact Information:

Other: Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISE)

A voluntary service team approach to meeting a client's needs. WISE provides intensive mental health services to support the child and help families reach their goals.
5610 Kitsap Way Suite 320
Bremerton , Washington 98312
Contact Information:

Parenting: PREPARES Pregnancy and Parenting Support

PREPARES offers support services for women and families with children up the age of five. Support services are available free of charge and open to everyone of all faiths. PREPARES is a parish based network of volunteers that serve to meet the needs of women and families. Services include providing basic needs and parent support groups.
Contact Information:

Other: Behavioral Rehabilitation Service (BRS)

Behavioral Rehabilitation Services is a family preservation/family reunification intensive service for youth/children that are in foster care or in a high risk of being placed.

Other: Volunteer Services

Volunteers assist seniors in Kitsap County. The volunteers help drive for appointments, shopping, running errands, get groceries, assist with yard maintenance and gardening, and wheel chair ramps and installation of grab bars.