Offers affordable health care and leading educators in reproductive health. You can come to us for services that don’t require a medical exam. For example, birth control education and supplies; emergency contraception (AKA the morning after pill); pregnancy testing and counseling; STD testing, and testing and treatments for urinary tract infections.

723 NE Riddell Road, Suite A
Bremerton, WA98310
Monday - Tuesday
9 am - 5 pm
8 am - 4 pm
11 am - 7 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Contact Information:

Healthcare: Health Services

Services include: Abortion, Birth Control, Emergency Contraception, Gender-Affirming Care, HIV Services, Mental Health, Pregnancy Testing and Planning, Prenatal and Postpartum Services, STD Testing and Treatment, Sexual and Reproductive Concerns, Vaccines, Wellness and Preventive Care.