The Healthy Foods Market is a grocery-store style shopping experience. It’s stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, dry/canned good, baby food and diapers, and a variety of miscellaneous products just like your local grocery store. The Food for Thought Program is designed to help eliminate food insecurity by providing children with three easy to fix meals per day for the weekend plus snacks. These bags of food are sent to schools in our service area. Enrolled students may pick them up from the school counselor. If your student needs to sign up for Food for Thought, please contact your school.

787 NW Liberty Rd, Poulsbo, WA 98370
Poulsbo, WA98370
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
11am to 4pm
Tuesday and Thursday
10am to 7pm

Food: The SNAP-Fishline partnership

SNAP services will be fundamental to the innovative work funded by the Transforming Lives Campaign. In the new Healthy Foods Market, Fishline will offer identification of SNAP qualifying clients, registration assistance, access to healthy foods and produce, nutrition education, and healthy cooking demonstrations and classes.

Food: The Healthy Foods Market

The Healthy Foods Market is a grocery-store style shopping experience. It’s stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, dry/canned good, baby food and diapers, and a variety of miscellaneous products just like your local grocery store. Registered clients may shop once per week and are admitted first come, first served. Only 10 households will be allowed in the market at one time. Quantities allotted will be determined by household size.

Food: The Food for Thought Program

The Food for Thought Program is designed to help eliminate food insecurity by providing children with three easy to fix meals per day for the weekend plus snacks.